Alabaster House Gala Update
The Alabaster House Gala held on Tuesday, September 21st at Museum of the Bible was filled with incredible testimonies of God working in the lives of our leaders and their families.
The evening began with a welcome from Kimberly & Randy Genau, Founders of Alabaster House, who set the stage for many members to share on the vital ministry of Alabaster House.
Rep. Mike Bost IL-12
“Alabaster House and what they do is so vitally important. I don’t know how anyone does any job without an anchor in Christ. Alabaster House gives that opportunity for us to come together and get to know each other away from the pressures of this job. There is not a morning or evening or anytime that you are here that if you want to search out you can’t find a group to pray with. Alabaster House allows us that opportunity. When we get together with them it is not a time to talk about politics, it’s a time to share in our faith in our families and that which really is the eternal. Alabaster House carries out the mission. “
Rep. Bob Good VA-5
“The most important thing in my life is my faith. I ran as a biblical constitutional conservative. Was told you could not win if you ran that way. But my determination was to please him at the cost of sometimes not pleasing those who are listening to me. If you only hear one thing I say, regular time in God’s Word every day is the most fundamental thing that we can do.”
Rep. Barry Loudermilk GA-11
“Now, I’ve learned since being here there are people that come here to be heard, people that come to Washington to be seen, and there are some who come to make a difference, and what we need is more of those who are here to make a difference.
“Many times, as I face many stresses in this job my mind goes back, if God brought me through that, he can bring me through this. In that stress, a lot of times, you need a refuge. You need support. Places like Alabaster House provide that refuge.
“Having a place especially here, that words of encouragement and words of discernment, as what happened at their house, really can make a difference, because one of the things the enemy uses to get the good people out of the fight is discouragement.
“This is a unique function that I don’t think any other ministry here provides that level of refuge, not just mentally, but spiritually and physically, to be able to get out of this political rat race at times when you really need it.
Thank you for your support of Alabaster House.”
Desiree Loudermilk
“There are just so many things as the Bible says to serve one another humbly in love. That’s exactly what Randy and Kimberly do, and that’s an invaluable service when you are in Congress is to have someone who will humbly serve you, and just non-political and not ask you questions. We go back home, all the time we have to be on, and have to always be talking about the issues of the day, and they just don’t do that and it’s perfect. It’s exactly what is needed in DC, for us to have sort of a refuge when we go to their events.”
Rep. Jay Obernolte CA-08
“I want to let you know how much it matters to us that we have a community of people that are behind us; a community of people that shares the values we have, and that we have an organization like the Alabaster House that is there to provide that fellowship . . . “
Heather Obernolte
“The spouse retreats when we come as new members, it’s one of the first things you do, we get to have that fellowship, it’s so important for us. Understand because when you come from CA out here, it’s scary. You don’t know who is there to support you and you don’t know a lot of times who you can trust or who you can’t trust. You’re just thrown into this whirl wind.
“Being able to do fellowships at the beginning of the week putting us in the right frame of mind and to be able to see God’s word . . . and to have somebody there to always remind you, it keeps you open. We really appreciate Kimberly and Randy and everything that they do for us.”
Rep. Barry Moore AL-2
“We need God’s hand on us so we can serve him, and we can speak with courage and wisdom. Thank you so much for what you do; we really are stronger when we are on our knees, and we have our praying friends behind us, we can really hear from the Lord.”
Heather Moore
“This is one thing that really impressed me when I went on the retreat for Alabaster House. Kimberly had said we are going to come around to each one of you individually and we are going to pray and I’m just praying that the Spirit will lead me to know how I need to pray. So, I thought hmmm, I’m just going to test them and see if they are listening to the Spirit or not and see if they know how to pray for me. Kimberly comes over there, and the first thing out of her mouth was Lord, remove all the anxiety. I was like, well yes, she is listening to the Spirit because she has got me pegged off the spot right here, so they prayed for me in that moment, and the Holy Spirit fell and I could just feel the peace of God. It was such a great day. It was what I needed.”
Katie Posey, spouse of Rep. Bill Posey FL-8
“Kimberly and I have walked together as this ministry started and has grown and blossomed and blessed so many of us. She and her team have a wonderful beautifully done Christmas tea in the Capitol, with both sides of the isle, and it’s really been an awesome experience for us to want to gather. Of course, the spouse retreats out at her home are just amazing, and so worth the drive, and always a blessing. Thirteen years later, we are a good team. We just thank you for the ministry. There really is a lot of ministries, but this is the dearest to my heart.”
Steve Green, Hobby Lobby President & Museum of the Bible Chairman
Steve Green shared an incredible testimony on how his father’s faith and trust in God shaped him and gave much reflection on the profound impact the Bible has made in his life. His dad began retail while in high school. “God had him right where he wanted him and he has been able to have a great impact on many ministries around the world. This book, the Bible, has had an impact on our lives. To the degree that we follow God’s word in our lives is to the degree that God would bless those ventures. If you look at the first statement of purpose in our business it’s to operate our business according to biblical principles. It has guided our family. It has guided our business. We are blessed to be in a nation that is built upon principles that our Founders found in God’s Word.”
Steve Strang, Founder & CEO Charisma Media
Steve Strang shared with us on the need to engage in culture and offered many insights on his new book, God and Cancel Culture. “I believe there is hope. The Bible says to occupy until he comes, but ultimately we’ve got to have a revival. American history is full of revival where things were turned. [In the] Jesus Movement millions of people were swept into the kingdom of God. The fact is there is a history of revival. Ultimately, people’s hearts have to be changed and if people’s hearts are going to be changed, that is what’s pleasing to God.”
Kimberly Genau, Executive Director & Founder Alabaster House and Guy C. Carey, Ministry Director Alabaster House
Alabaster House Founder Randy Genau, Executive Assistant Marissa Carey, Founder Kimberly Genau, Ministry Director Guy C. Carey, Betty Carey
Alabaster House Ministry Director Guy C. Carey, Founder Kimberly Genau
The Call of Whitefield
Kimberly Genau
“George Whitefield has really been on my heart. Whitefield’s friend, John Wesley, said: ‘I could scarce reconcile myself at first to this strange way of preaching in the fields, of which he set me an example on Sunday, having been all my life (till very lately) so tenacious of every point relating to decency and order that I should have thought the saving of souls almost a sin if it had not been done in a church.’
“People’s lives were changed and even America was changed because Whitefield took on the call of God. So I want to leave us with a challenge tonight to take on, very much what I would say, is the call of Whitefield.
“1 Kings 18. In the end, what I loved about it was Elijah said, I feel like it’s going to rain, and he would tell his servant go and see if you see a sign. Is there a sign of rain? The servant finally came back on the seventh time and said, I see a cloud rising the size of a man’s hand…So, your dream, your calling, what God has for you to do, you might not see it, you might have to go back, again, and again, and again. And you might have to go back the seventh time, but the fact is if you go back, you’re going to see the cloud rising the size of a man’s hand, and you are going to have to fight for it, you’re going to have to trust God for it, you’re not going to have to give up. Because if you give up, you’ll never see the Great Awakening. If you give up, you’re never going to see the great moves of God that have happened, that have shaped our nation, one nation under God. So, I just want to leave something with you tonight, and we are going to actually pray over you, specifically for the call of Whitefield. We are going to go out from this place taking something with us.”
Randy Genau
“Father, I pray for everybody that came tonight, that you would impart into them a vision, a dream, that you would just give them something…tangible that they can run with and make a difference. And so Father God, we pray that you would continue to work in our homes, in our families, our extended families, and we pray all these things in Jesus’ name.”
Guy Carey
“You heard about George Whitefield. Now in the 1700’s that’s a big deal. [Whitefield] He had a transformer inside of him. The transformer’s name was Jesus. What Jesus touches he transforms. He alters it. He makes it new. He makes it gold. God wants to make our lives gold, and then he wants to use you to bring transformation and reformation wherever you go.
“If you feel challenged by God tonight to make that kind of stand, to make that kind of difference, to receive that kind of blessing, to be a Whitefield in your generation, to be a Susanna Wesley in your generation, to stand for godly heritage and legacy in your family, your business, your neighborhood, I’m going to ask you to stand.
“We pray a blessing over you. The Lord bless you and the Lord keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you shalom. Shalom. Nothing missing. Nothing broken. The peace that mends all chaos. May shalom rest on your life, all you have, all you love, in Jesus’ name. God bless you.”